不義之財 プロット

Now living in the United States, JW continues his search to uncover the fate of his missing sister Camilla. Through his personal investigation, he eventually learns that she became involved with Serbian mob boss Radovan as an exotic dancer and mistress. When Radovan found out that Camilla was planning to leave, he had his second-in-command Stefanovic kill her to set an example to the other dancers.

Back in Sweden, Radovan survives an assassination attempt. To protect his daughter and only surviving child Natalie, he assigns subordinate Martin to watch over her. Unknown to Radovan, however, Martin is an undercover officer tasked with infiltrating his mob to bring him to justice. Martin has been able to infiltrate the mob with information provided by the incarerated Jorge, who is released early for his cooperation and sent to work at a nursing home. Jorge learns that Nadja, the former sex slave he became close with, is also working at the nursing home and the two enter into a relationship. While Nadja intends to stay out of criminal activities, however, Jorge is secretly planning a large robbery for Swedish mob boss Finnen that he believes will allow him to retire.

The robbery is successful, but Jorge and his men are double-crossed by Finnen. Only Jorge survives and manages to retrieve a bag of money, which he uses to escape to Mexico. He contacts Nadja, who reveals that she is pregnant. Martin and Natalie become romantically involved while Radovan realizes that Martin is a police officer. Before he acts on this information, however, Radovan is killed by a car bomb. Natalie is led to believe that the assassination was orchestrated by Stefanovic and attempts to kill him. Although her attempt fails, Martin saves her and kills Stefanovic, leaving Natalie as the mob's leader.

When Jorge calls Nadja again, he learns that she has been kidnapped by Finnen and will only be released in exchange for the remaining money. He contacts Martin for assistance in saving Nadja and the two meet with Finnen and his men for the exchange. Martin manages to rescue Nadja, while Jorge engages in a gunfight with Finnen and is seemingly killed in an explosion. Natalie uncovers Martin's status as an undercover officer and confronts him with this information when he returns, but gives him the opportunity to escape. She then learns that her father's assassination was orchestrated by JW in retalation for Camilla's murder. With this knowledge, Natalie tracks down JW and personally executes him.

Two weeks after Jorge's apparent death, Nadja learns that he is still alive, having faked his death after killing Finnen and his men and retrieving the money. In a letter, Jorge explains that he was waiting for the right time to tell her the truth and extends an offer for her to live with him at his new home in Mexico. Nadja accepts and reunites with Jorge.

不義之財 オンライントレーラープレイ

不義之財 俳優

不義之財 写真

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