

The action-packed film, with a star-studded cast of actors, promises to bring something new to the franchise.

The Batman tells the story of Wayne’s double life. By day he is an antisocial billionaire, while at night he puts on a black cape and mask to secretly protect the streets of Gotham City under the persona of Batman.


帕丁森聽見那個問題後,笑著說了一句:“哇”,隨即他又開啟了他們的嘴貧模式,回覆道:“一個寬闊的鼻子很有用,有了它你能砸水果,但是對於當上蜘蛛人也非常有用。” (The jaw is very useful, I mean a large jaw, you can crack nuts and stuff like that…and it has been very useful to get the part of Batman)。

The Caped Crusader returns with The Batman appearing in Chinese mainland theaters on March 18. British actor Robert Pattinson, known for his role as Edward Cullen in the Twilight series, makes his first appearance as Bruce Wayne.

Another character in the Batman franchise, The Penguin, is played by famous Irish actor Colin Farrell. Farrell underwent a visual transformation for the role of the evil crime lord. He wore layers of makeup and a bodysuit to look like the character from the comics. It has been nearly three decades since this supervillain appeared in the films, and fans are delighted for his return.


Fortunately, Batman has the help of another well-known DC comic book character Catwoman. She gives up her criminal ways to help stop The Riddler’s evil deeds and ensure the safety of the city.





在3月16日舉辦的影片《新蝙蝠侠》(The Batman) 中國首映式上,主播告訴帕丁森,許多中國歌迷都很欣賞他戴著蜘蛛人面具時的下頷線,並且查問他對此有什么觀點。



This latest Batman movie offers a darker retelling of Wayne’s story. Featuring Wayne at only 30 years old, the film depicts how he is tormented by his tragic past. The death of his parents has led him to become obsessed with fighting crime and his emotional pain is portrayed throughout the film. This more emotional and human imagining of the character is a new direction that has not before been attempted in film.



圖源:@1905電影網 截圖


那天,被稱作“歐美圈頂流”的約翰·帕丁森 (Robert Pattinson)又上熱搜了。從圈粉全球女孩的憂傷惡魔到影片《信条》中最優雅的女人,現如今他還成了新版超級英雄蜘蛛人

圖源:Rotten Tomatoes 門戶網站截圖




The main villain is The Riddler, a serial killer who livestreams his crimes to the public. Having deduced Batman’s true identity, he taunts him and the pursuing police force with riddles and puzzles.


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