


唐尼告訴本報記者,他的女兒埃克斯頓(Exton)很討厭鷹眼,雖然他的母親是鋼鐵俠。因而,當四歲的小孩不敢聽他的母親說如果的這時候,唐尼就會從從鷹眼飾演者戴維·雷納(Jeremy Renner)那兒求救,並讓他來基礎教育他們的女兒。戴維會說:“聽著,這是鷹眼告訴你,你無法用棒子插入雙眼裡,即使那樣如果,你將沒有辦法從300碼外的地方通過長矛來殺掉壞人。”唐尼說這是他女兒自那以來惟一聽的一件事。


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幻視(Vision)的飾演者大衛·貝坦尼(Paul Bettany)的兒子就則表示討厭鋼鐵俠(Iron Man)的飾演者小約翰·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)。


日前,雷神(Thor)飾演者萊恩·海姆斯沃思(Chris Hemsworth)在Instagram上發出的兩張相片再一次引發了網民們的熱議,圖中,他的小孩身披斗篷, 坦言他們之後想要成為蜘蛛人,網民們紛紛表示“父愁者聯盟”又新添一員。


當本報記者問到幻視,幻視是否是她兒子最討厭的配角時, 貝塔尼快速提問說:“ 哦,並非,並非,並非,她討厭,嗯……小約翰·唐尼。”當女演員說他的小孩愛小約翰·唐尼的這時候,那他們肯定是嗎討厭。而在他與觀眾們分享的視頻中,貝塔尼的兒子也是一直不斷的重複說再見,但對象並並非自己的母親,而是鋼鐵俠,她一次又一次不斷的重複,而她爸看著就較好笑了。



"When I told my own son that I was going to be in a super hero movie, he asked me what it was and I said I was going to be playing Ant-Man, and he was not impressed," Rudd told ET. "What he actually said was, 'I can't wait to see how stupid that'll be.' Swear to God, that's what he said."




Asked about his children's reaction to his character, he says, "It was amazing in the beginning because I could get them to do stuff; I'd say, 'Go brush your teeth, your dad's The Hulk', and now I try it and it doesn't work so well. I've got angry but that doesn't work after a while either. They're like, 'Right, get green and big and then we'll talk!'"

"Oh, no, no, no," Bettany quickly replied. "She loves, um... Robert Downey Jr."And when the actor says his kid loves RDJ, he means it. In a video he shared with the audience, Bettany's daughter was meant to praise her father for Downey's benefit. However, she quickly goes off , as you can see below, instead opting to tell Iron Man that she loves him, over and over again to her father's obvious amusement.

“She’s like the best thing ever to me… but whenever people talk to me about Wonder Woman, she completely takes the conversation. She’s like, ‘Listen, we’ve been to London. It’s been amazing. I was working on set too, but I was four—three, four—so I didn’t do all the takes. It was cold… I didn’t want to do it because I didn’t wanna be famous,’” said Gadot in an imitation of her eldest daughter Alma, who played an extra as a “poor girl” in the movie.“‘But honestly, every woman is a Wonder Woman… My mom is just the biggest one because she does the movie,’” Gadot continued, adding that Alma could keep talking “on and on” about Wonder Woman.



“她對我而言就是最好的事情,但是每當有人與我談論《神奇女侠》時,她都能完全接上話茬。 “她會說‘聽著,我們一同去過英國倫敦。那太美妙了,我也幫忙了佈置場景,但當時我只有三四歲左右吧,而且我並沒有出太大氣力。天太冷了,我不敢做是即使我不敢名,’”格雷·加朵(Gal Gadot)模仿她的次女阿爾瑪(Alma)說道,前者在影片中也飾演了一個“貧困男孩”的配角。“‘老實說,每一男人都是一個神奇女俠。我爸爸是最偉大的一個,即使她拍了影片。”加朵說當兒子談論起神奇女俠的這時候就可以一直說一直說都不停。


綠巨人浩克(Hulk)的飾演者丹尼爾·魯法洛(Mark Alan Ruffalo)就則表示他們的小孩現在用綠巨人那個身分已經是鎮不住了。

Downey, told Meyers that his son, Exton, is a huge Hawkeye fan – even though his dad is Iron Man. So when the 3-year-old didn’t want to listen to his famous father, Downey called in a favor from Jeremy Renner, who plays Hawkeye in the Avengers films, and asked the actor to have an educational chat with Exton.“And Jeremy said, ‘Listen, this is Hawkeye talking. You can’t put a stick in your eye because then you won’t be able to use the bow and arrow at 300 yards, and take out the bad guy,’ ” Downey said about Renner’s meeting with Exton. “And that was about the only thing he’s listened to since.”

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"Is the Vision her favorite character," O'Brien asked.



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