

At 75% Capacity n. [熟詞生義] 75%的上座率

Travel restriction 旅行限制



The first few months of 2021 suggest that trend could continue. Most big-budgetHollywood films have been delayed until later this year—and yet China's theaters clearly don't need any of them to have their own success. China's huge weekend at the box office came even though most of its theaters are still operating at 75% capacity(and 50% in areas with outbreaks). Its impressive totals, however,may have been helped by the country's travel restrictions,which kept consumers at home over the holiday.

Homegrown adj. [合成詞]國產的

Undercontrol 受控制




Promising adj. 有希望的

Account for (數目,比率上)佔

Box office 電影票房



Sign n. 跡象,預兆



據國家影片專資辦統計數據,截至2月18日0時,全省衛星城電影院電影票房為78.22億元,全省 有1.6萬人次來到電影院, 創下中國電影史歷史紀錄,同時刷新了全球單一市場單週電影票房、全球單一市場週末電影票房等數項世界歷史紀錄。




Big-budget [合成詞]大效率

Return n. 投資收益

But,even before the Covid-19 pandemic, China's homegrownfilm industry was growing and depending less and less on Hollywood movies to fill its theaters. Now it may not need Hollywood at all.

Be responsible for 是…的原由

As recently as 2017, films produced outside China made up 46% of the country's box office revenue.That share has dropped every year since. In 2020, with Hollywood all butshutdown,foreign films accounted for just 16% of Chinese box office revenue.


With the pandemic under control,China's film industry is doing well. And it's doing so without any help from Hollywood.


如underthreat 受威脅


These massive figures prove the movie business in China is well on its way to self-dependence. Since China began allowing foreign films into the country in 1994, films produced outside of China (mostly in Hollywood) accounted for more than 40% of the share of the Chinese box office. Hollywood is responsible forabout a third of the highest-earningfilms in China of all time.

If the recent box-office returnsare any indication, Chinese audiences are increasingly becoming accustomed to a movie selection that is entirely Chinese. That China's box office recovered from the pandemic is a promising signfor the US when its theaters return to normal operation later this year. But that China's box office did this without Hollywood's assistance is a far more threatening signfor the long term future of the US film industry.

Share n. 一份,份額

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